Living Room Fall Cleaning | Helping Hands Cleaning Services in Woodridge Areas IL

Top Tips When Doing Living Room Fall Cleaning

Surveys have revealed more than 30% of Americans have a deep and abiding love for fall. When asked about their reasons, most mentioned the changing colors and cooler weather. Pumpkins and pumpkin spice were also mentioned a lot. There’s a scientific reason behind people’s love for fall.

Fall also signifies the advent of some of America’s most beloved holidays. Almost everyone is looking forward to Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year.

Fall cleaning is one of the best ways to prepare for the holiday season. Some of you might be wondering if there’s such a thing. There is. Fall cleaning is like spring cleaning, except the reasons for doing it are different.

Reasons Fall Cleaning is Necessary in Woodridge IL

Fall cleaning and spring cleaning are two sides of the same coin. Houses all over the country are usually closed up once the weather turns chilly. The windows are then shut and drapes are drawn. Meanwhile, air conditioning units give way to heaters. All the dust in your home will remain until you open those windows again. Fall cleaning gives you the chance to start with a clean slate.

It also helps you clear your home of pests planning to stay for winter. Deep clean your home and get rid of those bugs and moths before they burrow and do damage during winter.

The holidays are also one of the biggest reasons for fall cleaning. There’s a good chance your family will be entertaining friends and family. Fall cleaning a living room will ensure your home looks great once the holiday season starts.

Tips When Fall Cleaning Your Living Room

You’ll spend a lot of time in your living room during the cold season. Families often gather here when you can no longer spend time outdoors. That’s why doing some deep cleaning before you go further into fall is a good idea. These tips will help to maintain your living room more easily:

· Tip 1: Start from the Top

It’s best to begin your house cleaning from the top. Start with your ceiling. Sweep or dust off the dust that clings to it. Get rid of the cobwebs stuck in the corners. You should then move to the ceiling fans or AC vents.

Dirt and dust from high points of the room will settle downward. Cleaning from the highest points to the lowest means you can get all the debris as it settles from each task.

· Tip 2: Change Your Fan’s Directions

The direction of your ceiling fan can help make your home more comfortable. The fan’s blades should turn counterclockwise during summer. This creates a downdraft. It creates a cooling breeze and circulates it around the room.

Look for the fan’s direction switch and change it to move clockwise during fall and winter. This will create an updraft. It will pull up the warm air and push it around the room.

· Tip # 3: There’s Safety in Numbers

Some deep cleaning tasks are two-person jobs. Make sure someone is helping you when you’re using a ladder. You don’t want to slip and fall. Do this even if you’re only using a chair or step stool. It’s always better to be safe than sorry.

You also need a helping hand when cleaning light fixtures or chandeliers. For these fixtures, you need to remove a component. Having one person assemble or disassemble the fixture is more accessible and safer. The other person can pass on whatever’s needed. You won’t have to climb a ladder up and down.

Fall Home Cleaning in Woodridge Areas IL

Don’t have time to do some fall cleaning? Leave it to the experts at Helping Hands Cleaning Services in Woodridge Areas IL. We’re one of the most reliable cleaning companies around. We have a team of well-trained and hardworking cleaners ready to help. Call us at (630) 530-1324 if you have any inquiries or want to schedule a cleaning.