House cleaning can seem like a daunting task, but it doesn’t have to be. With a few basic cleaning strategies — some might even call them “hacks” — you can save time and effort and have a sparkling home that makes you proud.
Here are five simple cleaning tips to brighten up your home:
Focus on One Task at a Time
If you’re having trouble staying motivated to clean, the issue might be with your method of attack.
A common way to clean is to focus on one room at a time, cleaning it from top to bottom before moving to the next room.
The problem with this method is that it sticks you in an endless cycle of repeating the same tasks — sweeping, vacuuming, mopping, dusting and so on. This can lead to burnout, as your sense of accomplishment over finishing a room is quickly overshadowed by the realization that you have to start the process over for the next room, and then the one after that.
A more efficient method is to pick one task at a time, such as dusting or vacuuming, and apply it to the entire house. That way, when you’re finished, you can forget about that task completely and move to the next one.
Clean From Top to Bottom
There are times when the “whole house” method isn’t necessary, such as when you have one problem room on which you need to focus. Perhaps you have a rarely used guest bedroom that you’ve neglected, but now you have visitors coming to town and need to make the space clean for them.
When cleaning a single room from top to bottom, literally clean it from top to bottom — start with the highest areas you can reach, and work your way down.
Why clean from top to bottom? Because dirt falls downward. If you start with the floor and then work your way up to bedding and shelves and such, the dust and grime you wipe from the higher objects will fall to your newly cleaned floor, undoing much of your work.
Use Baking Soda and Vinegar for Effortless Bathroom Cleaning
Even though Americans spend more time cleaning bathrooms than any other room, few people would deny what an unpleasant task it is.
Fortunately, with the help of a couple of cheap household items everyone has laying around, it can become a much easier, much more hands-off job.
The two items? Baking soda and vinegar. They can effectively clean tubs, toilets and sinks with minimal effort on your part.
Simply mix one cup of baking soda, one cup of vinegar and one cup of water. Pour the solution onto the area you want to clean, making sure to cover the entire surface.
Next, if cleaning a bathtub or sink, fill the basin with hot water, and let it sit. If cleaning a toilet, just let the solution soak in. After 15 minutes, drain the tub or sink, or flush the toilet. You’ll be amazed at how the grime has disappeared.
Try These Garbage Disposal Deodorizing Hacks
Dirty garbage disposals can be tricky. They aren’t obvious like a soiled floor or sink full of dirty dishes. But the smell that emanates from them can be highly unpleasant.
Fortunately, there’s a simple cleaning fix for your garbage disposal. It involves a household item we just discussed: vinegar. Simply fill an ice cube tray with it, and let it freeze. Then put the cubes down the disposal, turn it on and chase them with cool water.
If you really want to spruce up the scent, follow up your vinegar cleanse by putting an orange or lemon peel down the disposal.
Hire a Top Cleaning Service to Do the Work for You
Let’s be real: When it comes to house cleaning, we all have the best of intentions. But these days, most of us are simply too busy to do an effective job on a regular basis.
A professional cleaning company like Helping Hands Cleaning Services can take the work off your hands. If you’ve avoided hiring a professional cleaner because you assume it’s too expensive, it might be time to reconsider. Helping Hands offers thorough and reliable house cleaning that fits into any budget. To schedule an appointment today, call or email us!