Cleaning Checklist For Mothers Day | Helping Hands Cleaning Services

House Cleaning Checklist For Mother’s Day

We have the best cleaning checklist for your home this Mother’s Day! 

Are you thinking of doing something special for your mom this Mother’s Day? Then include house cleaning in your options.

It’s a reality that house chores are never-ending. Every move creates a new mess to clean up, so giving your mom her well-deserved day off is a great idea. It will surely be a wonderful Mother’s Day for her.

Yes, house cleaning can surely be unnerving, but it will most likely give your mom the sweetest smile if it’s done for her. Check out this house cleaning checklist for Mother’s Day to make sure you have everything covered.

If you do not have the time to do it yourself, you can always hire Helping Hands to do the cleaning for you. 

Where To Start?

Start by meeting everyone in the family to delegate the house chores. Imagine how happy your mom will be waking up to a clean house. If you like the idea, try out the tips below to help you get started. 

  • Put the dishes in the dishwasher before you go to bed. This way, your mom won’t wake up to an eyesore in the kitchen sink.
  • Make your bed before doing anything else. Do not leave your room without doing it.
  • Taking a bath? Include scrubbing the toilet or the whole bathroom before you hit the showers.
  •  Remember the dishes you put in the dishwasher the night before? Get them out while waiting for your coffee to brew.
  • If you have kids, form the habit of cleaning together. Teach them to clean up after playing or to pick up things from the floor. This will also prevent accidents in the house. Have you ever stepped on a piece of lego, barefoot? Not a good experience.

The Cleaning Checklist

Divide and conquer is the perfect strategy here. You cannot do it alone. Ask each family member to pick an area to clean. Or to be fair, raffle the different house areas to each family member. After cleaning, always remember to sanitize.


  • Sweep and mop the floors.
  • Clean the baseboards, doormat, door and sanitize the doorknob.
  • Clean and organize shoes and the shoe rack.
  • Hang coats and jackets properly. 

 Living room

  • Bring a basket or trash bag with you to put unwanted clutter.
  • Sweep and mop the floors.
  • Vacuum the sofa and all other chairs. Remember to straighten up throw pillows, seat covers, and couch cushions.
  • Organize magazines, mails, and other papers.
  • Dust and sanitize surfaces including tables, televisions, remote controls, lampshades, fans, etc.
  • Do not forget to dust the windows, window sills, blinds, clean the curtain rods and vacuum the curtains.
  • If you can, shampoo the rugs and carpets. If you cannot, at least vacuum them.


  • Organize side and study tables, and remove unnecessary clutter.
  • Sort your things out in two boxes. One labeled “to donate” and the other “to keep.”
  • Change the bedding and run them straight to the washing machine. It will be finished before you are done cleaning the rest of the house.
  •  Sweep and mop the floors, vacuum your rug or carpet.
  • Clean the baseboards and door and sanitize the doorknob.

Kitchen and Dining room

  • Clean up the fridge including the freezer. Remove and throw stale or expired food.
  • Sort your pantry and put labels or reminders on foods that are near expiring to avoid waste.
  • Clean and sanitize ovens and microwaves. You can check out DIY cleaning solutions or hacks that are safe to use on them.
  • Wash, fold and hang the dish towels.
  • Use cleaning solutions to effectively clean the dinner table, countertops, and kitchen floors. Use degreaser for stovetops, walls and range hood.
  • Empty all trash bins and put them out.
  • Empty and clean up the sink.
  • Make sure to empty out the dishwasher.
  • Check out kitchen drawers and cabinets to clean and remove clutter.
  • Sweep and clear out cobwebs under tables, sinks and cabinets. 


  • Clean the bathroom mirror.
  • Scrub the faucet, sink, and other surfaces.
  • Change the towels if needed. If not, hang or fold them properly.
  • Throw out expired toiletries, make up, and medications properly.
  • Consider cleaning your makeup brushes and sponges.
  • Empty trash bins.
  • Clean up the bathtub and shower head. Scrub the toilet bowl and bathroom floor.
  • Dry all surfaces after cleaning. 

Laundry room

  • Wipe down your washing machine in and out. Empty the lint trap.
  • Sweep and mop the floor.
  • Checkout and organize the laundry supplies.
  • Make sure you clean the dryer vent.


  • Wash soft toys, plushies, and stuffed toys.
  • Sort your things out in two boxes. One labeled “to donate” and the other “to keep.”
  • Clean plastic toys with soap and water. Wipe clean wooden toys.
  • Shampoo the rugs and carpets if possible. If not, make sure to vacuum them.
  • Organize books, toys, and play areas.

Office and Study Area

  • Sweep and mop the floor.
  • Clean and dust bookshelves and study or office tables or desks.
  • Clean and sanitize laptops, mouse pads, keyboards and other gadgets.
  • Throw, organize, or recycle old paperwork.

Garage and Gym

  • Sweep and mop the floors.
  • Check and lubricate the garage door if needed.
  • Clean and organize tools, etc.
  • Wipe and sanitize gym equipment including yoga mats. 

Other Areas 

  • Clean air vents. Replace air filters if need be.
  • Check all house alarms if still properly working.
  • Replace the light bulbs and clean fixtures.
  •  Sanitize all door knobs, handles, light switches and remote controls.

Too much to handle? We get you. Who wants to spend time cleaning instead of having a memorable Mother’s Day? If time is not your ally or if cleaning is simply not your thing, you can always hire someone to do it.

Helping Hands for Your Cleaning Needs

Do something wonderful for your mom and spend time with her this Mother’s Day. Leave the cleaning to the experts. Plan a lovely Mother’s Day date and come home to a professionally cleaned home.

Give us a ring at (630) 530-1324 or email us at Our professional, well-trained team of housekeepers are always ready to assist you with your cleaning needs.