Are you excited for the summer season to start? Summer means vacation for a lot of people. Summer plans include having fun with friends, a trip to the beach, and getting that much-needed vitamin D. Before you go on with your plans, make sure to leave your home in its best condition. Needless to say, your house must be summer-ready, too!
When You Plan on Going on a Vacation
Before hitting the road for your summer getaway, check your home first. Your vacation will be more fun when you have peace of mind that everything is well and good in your home while you are away. Do the things below to have a worry-free summer trip.
Deep Clean Your Home
Nothing feels better than coming home to a clean home after a fun trip. Cleaning before hitting the road will save you from the headache of cleaning after you get back. Here’s a quick checklist for you.
- Vacuum and sweep the floor before leaving to reduce the things you need to clean when you get home.
- Wipe clean your countertops and stove top so they won’t attract pests while you’re away.
- Don’t leave any trash inside your house. Make sure to put all your garbage out before leaving the house and have your trash bins disinfected.
- Make sure to empty your washer and dryer. Nobody wants moldy clothes.
- Empty the dishwasher and leave it open so it can dry.
Clear Out the Fridge
Scan your fridge for any food that may spoil while you’re away. Toss all expired food out. Depending on how long you will be gone, you can empty your fridge and unplug it while you’re away. Clean and disinfect your fridge after emptying it and leave the doors open to avoid moisture buildup and mold growth.
You don’t want to worry about sudden power outages ruining your appliances while you’re on vacation. Ensure your appliances are safe by unplugging them before leaving the house. You can also prevent your house from catching fire due to short circuits caused by power surges or lightning strikes. Just leave the ones for security and alarms.
Make It Look Like Someone’s At Home
To prevent your house from being a target for burglary, pretend there’s someone home. Remember how it worked out in the movie Home Alone? Check out the tips below because it’s better to be safe than sorry.
- Make sure to lock all doors, windows, and your garage.
- There are programmable or motion-activated lights that you can buy. This will ensure that your house is lit when it’s dark or someone gets in or near your house.
- Keep any valuables out of reach from windows and doors.
- Never leave spare keys near the door.
- Check if your security and alarm systems work perfectly.
- Ask a trusted neighbor or friend to watch over your house while you’re away.
Water Off
One plumbing mishap may cost you to go home to a flooded house. Make sure to turn off your water supply before leaving. Flush the toilets and let the remaining water from the faucets dry out to prevent mold and mildew buildup, especially on extended vacations. Consider leaving the sprinklers on so as not to dry out your lawn.
Water Heater and Thermostat
No one will need the hot tank of water while you’re gone. Turn off the water heater or set it in vacation mode. For the thermostat, set it to match the temperature outside or close to it to save energy costs.
Mails and Deliveries
Don’t let your mail pile up in your mailbox or newspapers unattended on your lawn. This is a giveaway that no one is home. Ask friends or trusted neighbors to receive parcels and deliveries for you, and pause your subscriptions until you come back.
Vehicle Safety
Secure your vehicles in a garage or storage. If you don’t have one, cover your vehicle with a good car cover to keep it clean, dry, and safe from the weather. If you are planning for an extended vacation, ask a friend or neighbor to start your vehicle from time to time. Or you can disconnect the battery to prevent it from draining. Make sure to have your vehicles washed and cleaned before storing them.
Weather-Related Issues
Make your house weather-proofed before you go. Inspect the roof for leaks, and have them fixed before leaving. Clean out gutters and trim your plants just in case of heavy rain. Place any loose outside equipment or furniture in the shed to keep them secured.
When You Plan to Stay At Home
The tips above are also applicable even when you’re only planning to stay at home, but here are some additional tips that we find valuable for you.
Using your AC 24/7 is not safe for both your power line and pockets. Here are some ideas on how to keep your house cool without abusing your AC and breaking your wallets.
Ceiling Fans
Consider installing ceiling fans. Get cool without taking up any extra space in your floor area. Make sure to get the right size for your room to maximize its power. Experts say the fewer the blades, the more efficient the fan is.
Proper Insulation
Insulate the whole attic to lower the heat entering and escaping the whole house, and consider venting it, too.
Cool Down Routine
Doing physical activities creates body heat. Before your scheduled bedtime, try settling an hour before. Turn off your gadgets or keep them away to ensure you’ll get ready for bed. Take a cold shower before bedtime to feel refreshed before and during sleep. Keep cold water on your bedside ready in case you wake up feeling thirsty.
Time to Hit the Basement
If your house has a basement, consider moving there for the summer. Most basements stay cool all year round, so this is a good and practical idea. If you have a cluttered basement, begin clearing and cleaning it up before the summer season starts.
Get Professional Help if You Want to Declutter Your Home
Don’t have much time on your hands to clean your basement? Don’t worry because Helping Hands is here for you. Helping Hands cleaning services has been voted #1 in Chicago. We are one of the best teams to handle all your decluttering needs. For appointments or to request a quote, call (630) 530-1324.